Cavite State University (CvSU) was established by the
American Thomasites, as a pioneer intermediate school in
1906. Located just 30 kilometers of Manila, its first
teachers were American Thomasites, recruited from the
United States Armed Forces. From its humble beginnings
as Indang Intermediate School, it became Don Severino
Agricultural College in 1964. By virtue of the Republic
Act No. 8468, the College was converted into Cavite
State University on January 22, 1998.
The Cavite State University is mandated to provide an
avenue that will promote the total development of the
individuals. Its main task is to prepare its students
not just for the life today but for the future. |
Cavite State University offered the degree of Doctor
of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program in 1997 to strengthen
its thrust in the field of agriculture in accordance
with the Agenda for Development. Initially, the program
was under the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environment
and Natural Resources. In August 2000, the program was
handled by the newly formed College of Veterinary Medicine.
In 2006, the college was renamed to College of Veterinary
Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
The faculty members of the College are graduates from
the premier veterinary educational institutions. Most
members have finished their graduate degrees. In addition,
the faculty members are engaged in full-time teaching,
research and extension activities.
Its vision is to be at par with the best veterinary
schools of developed nations. Moreover, its mission
is to produce morally upright and globally competitive
veterinarians and biomedical professionals.
Structurally, the College has two main buildings: The
Veterinary Medical Center Building and the Administration-Academic
Building, with the former housing the Teaching Hospital
and fully air-conditioned laboratories. The Teaching
Hospital serves as a venue for students to acquire hands-on
experience in disease diagnosis, treatment and control
in companion, exotic and farm animals to augment and
validate their theoretical knowledge in veterinary medicine,
surgery and pathology. Special instructions are given
in veterinary therapeutics, pre and post-operative care,
diagnostic technique, prescription writing, case recordkeeping,
hospital administration and veterinarian-client relationship.
Furthermore, the CVMBS utilized the CvSU farm in teaching
farm animal restraint, dosing, preventive management
and surgery. The farm also provides CVMBS with experimental
animals and specimen for instruction and research.
For medical services, all students enrolling in CvSU
are required to undergo physical and dental examinations
to determine their fitness to perform various school
activities. These examinations are normally conducted
in April or May for first semester enrollment and in
September and October for the second semester enrollment.
They are also required to undergo chest x-ray and blood
Guidance services for students are also provided with
focus on students’ felt needs and perspective. Students
are assisted to recognize, interpret and act upon their
personal strengths, resources, and experiences. Thus,
developing individuals with high sense of integrity,
leadership, and moral values.
The Student Housing is responsible for the operation
and management of dormitories and residence halls that
caters to the housing need, comfort and safety of the
students . The unit operates two dormitory buildings
for men and two dormitory buildings for women. These
dormitories can accommodate a capacity of 600 students.
The CvSU runs a system of dormitories for students who
opt to stay within the campus. The residence halls aim
to promote and maintain an environment wherein the students
may realize maximum educational and social advantages.
Aside from the primary function of instruction, the
CVM serves as a unit for veterinary research and extension.
It has established research and extension linkages with
other government and private agencies such as the Manila
Jockey Club, Inc., Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic
Laboratory, Paradizzo Theme Farm, Cavite City Botanical
and Zoological Park, Philippine Carabao Center-UPLB,
Zoobic Safari and private institutions, farms and feedmills.
These agencies serve as venues of learning for our veterinary
interns and senior students.
The CVMBS takes pride in its high passing percentage
at the DVM Licensure Examination. In 2005, the College
was awarded as the Top Five Performing School by the
Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC). The CvSU-CVMBS
has been successful in realizing its goal of producing
competent veterinarians.
The Cavite province lies along the southern shore of
Manila Bay. It is bounded on the north by Manila Bay
and Metro Manila, on the east by Laguna, on the west
by the South China Sea and on the south by Batangas.
Endowed with rich offshore and coastal fishing grounds,
the province provides a place conducive to both business
and leisure. Main attractions include historical landmarks
and enchanting scenery such as Aguinaldo Shrine and
Museum in Kawit, Island Cove, Caylabne Bay Resort in
Ternate, Leisure Park, and other first-class resorts.
Cavite has two pronounced seasons: relatively dry from
November to April and wet from May to October.
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