The Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) which
was formerly known as the Philippine Nautical School
has a colourful and illustrious history spanning more
than a century.

The PMMA President RAdm Fidel
E. Diñoso and Mr Baljit Singh, Managing Director
of HCMI Education, at the MOA signing of the educational
partnership between both organisations. |
The PMMA President RAdm Fidel E. Diñoso and Mr Baljit
Singh, Managing Director of HCMI Education, at the MOA signing
of the educational partnership between both organisations.
Since its establishment, the PMMA has been producing efficient
and well-trained merchant marine officers who are considered
by many to be among the world's best. As evidence of its
prominence, local graduates have constantly spearheaded
the Philippines' efforts in International trade and have
also served as auxiliary officers servicing naval needs
in times of emergency.
Aside from ship officers, the Academy also trains its students
in other fields of marine service, like marine surveying,
port supervision, shipping office administration, ship management
and others.
To educate and train midshipmen/women to become qualified
and competent merchant marine officers for shipboard and
shore-based positions, in response to the global requirements
of the expanding international maritime industry as well
as to become competent and capable naval officers who can
serve as naval and military auxiliaries in times of war
and national emergencies; and to contribute to the improvement
of maritime education and the pool of ship business managers
through graduate school programmes are the missions of the
The Philippine Merchant Marine Academy envisions through
its academic programs and quasi-military training to produce
a balanced personality out of every graduate—an internationally
acceptable officer and gentleman who can function confidently
and effectively in his field.
In partnership with HCMI Education, the academy offers two
degree programmes:
1. The Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation
(BSMT), major in navigation and seamanship
The BSMT programme is designed to prepare PMMA Midshipmen
for duties as deck officers aboard ships after graduation.
It is a four-year residency course consisting of a three-year
academic studies (1st, 2nd and 4th year) and one year apprenticeship
training (3rd year) as deck cadets on board commercial vessels
plying the international sea lanes.
The course structure is designed such that at the end of
the third year of training, BSMT midshipmen would have fulfilled
the requirements of Regulation II/4 of the STCW Convention
(minimum knowledge requirements for certification of officer-in-charge
of navigational watch on ships of 200 gross register tons
or more) and would have gained knowledge to enable them
to absorb effectively the professional subjects for the
fourth year. The study during the last year is intended
to equip BSMT midshipmen with advanced knowledge and skills
in Marine Transportation. The curriculum has been designed
to comply with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
requirements on General Education Components.
Aside from addressing the academic requirements of deck
cadets/midshipmen, the curriculum also provides training
for their leadership skills and discipline. The leadership
and discipline training component is military-oriented for
best effect. Such approach is catered towards the nature
of the maritime profession, which requires the highest degree
of leadership, discipline, integrity and decision-making
2. The Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering
(BSMarE), major in steam engine and electrical engineering.
The BSMarE programme is designed to prepare PMMA Midshipmen
for duties as Marine Engineers aboard ships. This four-year
residency course consists of three years of academic studies
(1st, 2nd and 4th year) and a year’s apprentice training
(3rd year) as engine cadets on board commercial vessels
plying the international shipping lanes.
The programme sets the first three years of study to contain
and surpass the requirement of Regulation III/4 of the STCW
Convention (mandatory requirements for certification of
engine officers in charge of the watch). The study on the
last year is intended to upgrade the midshipman to senior
engine officer above the level of Regulation III/C of the
STCW Convention (minimum knowledge required for certification
of engine officers of ships powered by main propulsion machinery
of 3000 KW or more). The Curriculum has been developed to
comply with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) requirements
on General Education components.
Aside from addressing the academic requirements of marine
engineers/ midshipmen, the curriculum also provides drilling
on their leadership qualities and discipline. The leadership
and discipline training scheme is military oriented. Such
an approach is suitable for the uniqueness of the maritime
profession that requires the highest degree of leadership,
discipline, integrity and quick-thinking.
1. 100% Job Placement after graduation
Generally, our graduates from both programmes have been
able to secure employment almost immediately after graduation.
In fact, the top students often receive offers of employment
even before their official graduations, with many of them
securing jobs even during the apprenticeship attachments.
2. One of the most highly-regarded Marine Training
Academies in the world
The PMMA is internationally recognised as one of the top
Marine Training Academies in the world. Its illustrious
history spans almost two centuries, and has produced countless
graduates who have gone on to become prominent figures in
the shipping industry, as well as in society.
It is therefore hardly surprising that every major global
shipping company features PMMA graduates among their employees.
3. Guaranteed attachment stint with reputable global
shipping corporations
To reinforce the knowledge and skills imparted to students,
every student undergoes a year of on-board apprenticeship
training during the third year as part of the curriculum.
The shipboard training programme provides all cadets with
the opportunity to use a ship as a sea-going laboratory
wherein they are required to complete the tasks listed in
the Training Record Books. This Record Book will be evaluated
and graded and will serve as a requirement for enrolment
in the final stage of the course as Fourth Year cadets.
For this purpose, PMMA has entered into a Memorandum of
Agreement with almost 100 of the world’s largest Shipping
Companies for the Shipboard Training Programme of PMMA cadets.
These shipping companies support the cadets in achieving
quality education and training by providing the cadets the
opportunities to put into practice what they learn in the
4. Employment opportunities with the largest international
shipping lines
Through the apprenticeship attachments, students have opportunities
to impress potential employers, and several do receive offers
of employment by the time they complete the attachments,
even before the final year of training with the PMMA has
The PMMA’s tradition of producing top talents in
the shipping industry has also seen many of these reputable
shipping firms conduct hiring presentations and campaigns
in the academy regularly, trying to attract the best students.
Last but not least, with HCMI Education’s Head Office
being situated in the city of Singapore, the location of
arguably the busiest shipping port in the world, there is
constant and convenient access to job openings with the
giant shipping conglomerates.
5. Exciting career path away from monotonous desk-bound
A career in the marine industry ensures that life in the
workplace does not merely consist of a monotonous and repetitive
task behind the office desk.
Life for the officer at sea includes visiting more cities
and countries than one can probably remember. Meet people
from all walks of life from different cultures and expand
your horizons. Wake up to the sun rising in the horizon
and enjoy the peace and beauty of the vast oceans. Find
yourself looking forward to going to work!
6. Safe and secure training and living environment
With the PMMA’s and the instructors’ experience,
you can be sure that training procedures and lessons are
designed to be fruitful but safe. Learn from these veterans
in the trade how to keep yourself safe during training and
also on board the vessels.
The premises of the academy are well-secured. Equipment
and tools used are also updated and well-maintained. Living
areas are kept clean and comfortable. Students may therefore
rest assured that training is low-risk but also at the same
time realistic.
7. Courses conducted in English
The Philippines is a country in which more than 90% of the
population converses in English. It is widely-regarded as
the third-largest English-speaking country in the world.
Students will therefore find it very easy to communicate
both with the instructors and also the locals. All lessons
will also be conducted in English, making it easy for students
who speak English to follow the course content.
8. Exclusive* and limited seats per intake
Seats for every intake are highly limited. This is to ensure
that there is a very good instructor-to-trainee ratio and
that every trainee receives a good amount of attention and
interaction with the instructors. This way each trainee
receives very close guidance and also the instructors will
be able to very intimately understand the individual learning
styles and capabilities of each student and tailor the instruction
for best effect.
Applicants need to fulfil the following requirements in
order to be eligible to apply for the course:
- Physically and medically fit.
- Free from being accused or convicted of any crime against
the law and the state.
- Between 16 and 22 years of age.
- Completed Grade 10 or equivalent examinations, with
passes in English, Mathematics and Science.
- At least 162.5cm in height and 55kg in weight for males;
or 157.5cm in height and 50kg in weight for females.
Students will also be required to do an entrance test before
commencing the course. This will include:
- Written tests in English, Mathematics and Science.
- Colour Perception Test
- Neuro-psychiatric and psychological tests
- Physical, medical, dental and laboratory examinations
*Students are advised that HCMI Education is the exclusive
partner for the PMMA in several countries. Please be wary
of other companies that may try to offer seats in the PMMA.
If you are unsure if the country you are in is included
among the exclusive areas, please do contact us to find
For more information, please feel free to contact us at
or drop by one of our offices for a comprehensive discussion
with our friendly education counsellors.